Shoppers want it all. Speedy shipping, convenient delivery, and smooth returns. They want flexibility, simplicity and a range of options that suit their needs and preferences, but that also help them shop in a more sustainable way.
This is the challenge facing fashion brands and retailers. But businesses that manage to optimise their supply chains will win sales and gain loyal customers.
So how do you do it?
This Drapers Connects webinar explores ways to win international customers by offering convenience, speed and simplicity via a customer-centric logistics strategy.
Joined by footwear brand Asics and international delivery platform Seven Senders, we discuss:
- Smooth and sustainable: what online shoppers really want when it comes to shipping, delivery and returns
- How a localised delivery strategy will win you sales: tips on different European preferences
- The rise of ‘out of home’ delivery, and how you can optimise your options and fulfil your customers' expectations
- Breaking Brexit: advice on reducing complexity, lead times and costs across Europe
- Michael Gryszko-Prattes, director of distribution, Asics EMEA
- Felix Hasenzahl, VP sales Europe, Seven Senders
- Graeme Moran, associate editor, Drapers
See the rest of the on demand Drapers Connects content here.